Monday, April 27, 2009

Why bother?

The Internet is a beautiful thing. I have been amazed to watch the explosion of writing and discussion that has sprung up on websites and blogs and now takes place every hour of every day. While the established newspapers seem to be going the way of the passenger pigeon, people from all walks of life have begun publishing their thoughts, and the news that matters to them. It's remarkable.

As for myself, my primary focus on this blog will likely be law, politics, history, and economics. I have always had a fascination for how societies and economies function. It's not just a hobby. I've been in the business, so to speak, as a lawyer and a policy wonk. Now, there are lots of political writers and bloggers. Many of them are, no doubt, smarter and more insightful than I am. So why do it? Because I think that I have something to add to the discussion. Everybody in the pool.

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